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Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Whatever" to a New Year!

What a year 2012 was… quite honestly, I am thankful that it is over!

For the many of you praying, I did end the year finally receiving closure. I got some answers as well as a sincere apology and was able to extend forgiveness. You know that I loved him with every ounce of my being, so naturally, seeing him was like breaking my heart all over again. But, I am aware God has placed me on a new path. I was blessed to have the opportunity to face the situation and move on – it was an answer to ten months of my own fervent prayers! I appreciate your prayers as I continue to heal. 

I began 2012 as a bride; dream wedding and Mexican Riveria honeymoon. We had our dream house in central Texas and I was blessed with the most ideal teaching job ever. I couldn’t wait for my adventure to begin with the love of my life.

If you have been reading this for any period of time, you know that that’s not how the story went. Instead, I am single – enjoying a love relationship with my Savior like I have never experienced. I live in central Pennsylvania with a second set of parents, three small children and a plant. I have my true dream job – teaching was something I did because a boy told me it would be a good choice. Ministering to girls about the truths of the Lord is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done - and what I have claimed I wanted to do since I was in junior high. I wouldn’t have imagined my story would take such a climactic turn! I just like to keep things interesting.

Highlights of 2012 include: Finishing my student teaching. Graduating Summa Cum Laude from Lubbock Christian University and receiving the Dean’s Award from the College of Liberal Arts and Education. Skydiving. Top 10 at Miss New Mexico. Moving to PA. White water rafting. Speaking at the True Woman Conference.


While this has been the most challenging and painful year of my life, I have learned so much – rather than write the longest blog in the world, I decided to present them as Heather’s life Proverbs:

Cinderella would have never become a Princess if she went back for her slipper.

Sometimes no matter how many times you kiss it, a frog is a frog.

One’s true friends are revealed through tragedy and trials.

When you truly fight for someone, surrender is not an option.

You do not fall out of love; either you never did or you always will.

When you walk in faith with God, there is no such thing as a comfort zone.

It is a gigantic waste of time to have an enemy that's not an enemy of God.

Crying is not a sign of weakness; quite the contrary. 

The rear-view mirror is smaller for a reason.

There is nothing meaner than a coward.

Great faith warrants great blessings.

A few Thank You’s:

Mom, Dad, Ky and Dev – I have an amazing family; words hardly do justice to how I feel about you all. Thank you for keeping my arms up when I was too tired to fight anymore. 

Mama, thank you for making me go to work; for keeping me going and letting me cry in your arms when I was couldn't keep it in anymore. You have handled my mood swings and break downs and have been amazingly patient and understanding.

Daddy, thank you for my ring and the beautiful letter. I will cherish them both forever. Thank you for keeping your cool, calm and collected strength through this year; for just getting a trash bag; for holding me when I finally got the phone call. There is no need for any “rebound boy” when I have your arms to cuddle in and your constant affirmation.

Ky, thank you for not letting me go out the door that morning. I pray your confidence and faith in love continues to be renewed. I am so sorry this has hurt you so badly as well. I love you. Dev, thank you for being there; for holding me that cold February night and for keeping the peace in our home those last two months.

Gerry and Rebecca, thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty; for the roses from my heavenly Bridegroom and the hours of prayer you have poured over me. You both have blessed me beyond belief.

The Ohlson Family – Thank you for adopting me as one of your own. I couldn’t have dreamed or imagined a more perfect fit or a place 2,000 miles away that feels more like home. Ry and Mel, you are able to be my friends but also parents when necessary. Alayna, Kierstin, and Judah… I love you three with all of my heart and pray we will always be close.

Other PA family – Bob & Dannah, Eileen & Russ, Kim, Blake, Grace Prep Staff… Thank you all for making this transition so much smoother than I could have ever imagined. You all have blessed me beyond belief with opportunities and prayers. Wow. May God return to you all the blessed favors you have bestowed upon me.

Shelly Coll – I wish you were here to see this, but I know your front row seat from Heaven is so much better. Thank you for being obedient and leading a study though And The Bride Wore White when I was a freshman in high school. I made it! You saved my life by helping me commit to a lifestyle of purity. I would have never known who Dannah Gresh was if it were not for you – now she is my boss. Thank you for pouring into my life and for the one and only “come to Jesus” meeting I needed.

Haley – I started the year with six bridesmaids…we know how that sentence ends! For 20 years you have never left my side. You have pulled me through some dark nights and long days. Thank you for staying with me, cooking me dinner, bringing me cookie dough and watching countless hours of I Love Lucy. Thank you for teaching me to pray for my future husband rather than dwell on the past. You are my best friend and I couldn’t dream of my life without you. I love you so much dear sister.

JW – You have been a faithful friend for 10 years – we have walked some nasty roads with one another. Thank you for believing in me and teaching me not to build my walls so high that I block others out. You keep reminding me what it is to be a feather. I don’t know where this life will take the two of us but I promise to do what I said. I love you dearly.

Megan and Simone – I am so sorry that you both have experienced the same pain, but I am thankful that you are there to help me walk this journey out with faith. God heals and restores what the enemy took away. He is saving us for something so much better!

My support system – while I have many of you, I would like to especially thank the Bates, Brock’s, Cassels, Hanagan’s, Huddle’s, Langford’s, Loverin’s, Moody’s, Teen CBS Crew… You all have gone above and beyond to extend love, encouragement, prayers, letters, and so much more. I am humbled and blessed to have people like you in my life.

Here is to a new year and a fresh start. My motto is: WHATEVER!

Not in a flippant or complacent kind of way, but in an “Ok, God – let’s do this” kind of way. I have learned that things go so much smoother if you don’t argue with Him and just cooperate. So, whatever you ask me to do, whatever opportunities you present me, wherever you ask me to go… I’m your girl.

Love you all! Happy New Year!

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